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Evansville Ford Service


Phone (608) 882-4700
Address 428 Union Street,
Evansville, WI 53536 United States


At Evansville Ford Service, we understand the significance of maintaining and servicing your vehicle for longevity and optimal performance. Conveniently located in Evansville, WI, we take pride in providing exceptional Ford Service to our clients, including those from nearby Stoughton, Janesville, and Madison. Our team is skilled in offering comprehensive Ford Truck Service designed to meet the unique needs of your robust vehicle. We also stay ahead of technological advancements with services like Level 3 EV Charging for the eco-conscious Ford owner. Understanding that your time is valuable, we provide Ford Service Pick-up & Delivery to offer you convenience without compromise. In addition to our specialized services, we cater to tire maintenance needs ensuring a smooth and safe ride every time you hit the road. Experience the reliable service with Ford Mobile Service that comes directly to you – quality care a

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