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Phone (800) 364-5299
Address 1 Bodybilt Place,
Navasota, TX 77868 United States


Our products are durable, long-lasting & made with the highest quality materials, which means a reduced total cost of ownership. Headquartered in Navasota, Texas, ErgoGenesis, the manufacturer of BodyBilt ergonomic office seating, tools & workspaces, is dedicated to producing ergonomically correct solutions that provide comfort resulting in increased productivity. Whether you sit, stand, or lean in between, your position while you work is critical. That's why we've fine-tuned the finer points of ergonomic seating and tools to support your stance. ErgoGenesis offers BodyBilt products to companies of all sizes, government entities, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, emergency call centers & individuals throughout the U.S. & abroad.

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